Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{Cobbogoth TOUR} Author Interview

Thanks to the Teen Book Scene for putting together this wonderful tour for Cobbogoth. Today I would like to share with you all an interview from Hannah Clark herself! This is not just any interview, it is an interview with tweet answers!


Cobbogoth: Book 1

To seventeen-year-old Norah Lukens, the Cobbogothians were just a myth. But after her archeologist uncle's brutal murder, and being asked to translate one of his old research journals for evidence, she begins a journey to discover the truth for herself. Chasing the myth her uncle was obsessed with, Norah learns that his murder was a cover up for something far more sinister. If she hopes to save others from suffering the same fate he did--including the peculiarly magnetic James Riley--she must head to Iceland in order to find out the truth once and for all. If she succeeds, she'll gain the one thing she's always longed for. But if she fails, not even the gods can help her.

How would you describe COBBOGOTH? 

It is a fast-paced fantasy-adventure with danger and intrigue; an
exciting, unique power system; and a story and mythology all its own.

Which of your characters do you feel you relate to the most and why? 

Norah, definitely. It was easy to write in 1st person. I get the 'needing to belong' and her issues with fear are a reflection of my own.

Were you a reader in your teen years and if so, who was your favorite author? 

Yes, though my dyslexia made it hard. Favorite authors: C. Bronte, L. M. Alcott, J. Austen, J.K. Rowling, C. Dickens, Sir. A. Conan Doyle.

What one 2012 release are you most looking forward to reading this year? 

Cinder by Marissa Meyer. Who doesn't want to read a sci-fi/steam-punk retelling of Cinderella? It's on my iPad for when I have time.

Are you currently in the process of writing a sequel or newer book? 

Yes! I finished the outline of book 2 in Dec. and started writing in Jan. We hope for a Dec. 2013 release-depends on how fast I write. 


Where there you have straight out the horse's mouth itself {not saying that you are a horse Hannah, just a figure of speech (:} I am so excited by the fact that there will indeed be a sequel! Thanks again Hannah for stopping by!


  1. Great interview. I didn't know Hannah delt with dyslexia. What a great example.

  2. Great interview. I didn't know Hannah delt with dyslexia. What a great example.


Thanks for stopping by and sharing some your thoughts!