Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday Blog Hop [22]

What are your new years book blogging resolutions?

My new year's book blogging resolution would have to be...Make time to read! I always get so caught up with school and blogging that I forget to take time out to read and then I get swamped with books that are needing reviews!

My question for you all is...How do you manage to find time between life and reading?

Make sure to leave your blog URL so that I can follow you back!


  1. Great resolution. I find that I have to read before I fall asleep. Even if it's only a chapter or even a page then I feel as if I've accomplished something and can fall asleep.

  2. Hi Ashley. Thank you for linking up to the New Year resolutions post. :)

    Aaahhh, that is a hard question. I have to steal time sometimes to make the time. Life starts getting in the way. But I carry my book with me everywhere as I never know when I'll get stuck and have 10 minutes to read. I don't really like to read in such short moments as I sometimes feel I lose the momentum of the story, but if I can take it I will. And lunch hour helps too.

    I do hope you have a wonderful new year. :)

  3. There's a life other than reading? :-)
    Happy New Years!
    My Hop

  4. Hoppin on by. Good luck with your resolution. I don't watch TV so when the rest of the family is that's when I read, also for a few hours after everyone else goes to bed. Have a wonderful New Year!

  5. Wishing you a lovely New Year darling.


Thanks for stopping by and sharing some your thoughts!