Monday, June 28, 2010

Shan, Darren: Vampire Mountain (#4 in Cirque du Freak series)

In this fourth book of the bestselling Saga of Darren Shan; Darren Shan and Mr. Crepsley embark on a dangerous trek to the very heart of the vampire world. But they face more than the cold on Vampire Mountain. The vampaneze have been there before them.

Will a meeting with the Vampire Princes restore Darren's human side, or turn him further toward the darkness? Only one thing is certain?Darren's initiation into the vampire clan is more deadly than he can ever have imagined.

First things first this book seemed more slow past than the others. In the first three there was always a lesson to be learned at the end, a fight to the death. However in the fourth book it was more of their journey and there was a fight, but it still didnt seem as thrilling as in the first three books.

Now with that being said, I am completely in love with this series. It is funny and interesting. It comes complete with tiny people and cirque freaks. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fun, easy read. A great stress reliever and it will keep you wanting more.

Book: 11 in Speculative Fiction Challenge
Author: Darren Shan

Now reading: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. If you have any comments or want to discuss this book then comment below, but please NO spoilers on the rest of the series or on the current book that I am reading.
My rating:

 View all my reviews >>


  1. Yes it's an amazing read!!! The first is A Living Nightmare.

  2. I have 4 of the first books from this series. I just got them at supersale prices! I'm hoping to read them soon too!

  3. Thanks!

    Ms Ulat Buku - where did you ourchase these books from? That is an awesome price!


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